SB 1534: Pretrial Release and Detention
Pretrial Release and Detention; Specifying that only a judge is authorized to set, reduce, or alter a defendant’s bail; authorizing the chief judge of a judicial circuit to petition the Florida Supreme Court for approval of a countywide or circuitwide bond schedule that sets a lower bond amount than required by the uniform statewide bond schedule; revising the requirements with which a defendant must comply as conditions of pretrial release imposed by the court; prohibiting persons arrested for, rather than charged with, a dangerous crime from being granted nonmonetary pretrial release at a first appearance hearing, etc.
HB 1627: Pretrial Release and Detention
GENERAL BILL by Garrison
Pretrial Release and Detention; Provides for setting, reduction, & alteration of bail; requires Supreme Court to create statewide uniform bail bond schedule; provides for chief judge of judicial circuit to establish lower bail bond schedule; provides arrested persons in certain categories may not be released until first appearance; provides court may revoke pretrial release & order pretrial detention if defendant materially violates release condition; requires court to order pretrial detention in certain circumstances; provides requirements for detention hearings; removes requirement for pretrial detention for defendants charged with illegally manufacturing controlled substances in certain cases.