Brianna's 2nd Chance Inc has been meeting with FDC to bring innovative programs to the state of Florida's currently incarcerated individuals to not only assist in reentry preparation, but also provide some opportunities for longer sentenced individuals to learn new skills and assist in teaching.
Bri's 2nd has partnered with local Returning Citizen led organizations Coming Home Coalition, Credible Messengers of FL, and Leading Returning Citizens to retain a partnership with and extend the national reach of The Last Mile, San Francisco. This tech based reentry program is currently in seven U.S. states. Let's make Florida #8! We are in the beginning processes of bringing such a program into our state and are working very hard on this project!
Brianna's 2nd Chance Inc. had an opportunity to meet with Sheriff Judd to discuss service gaps and opportunities within the county to fill in those gaps in harm reduction. We also discussed the Fresh Start package being a hand up in that first month!