Angie HatfieldJan 45 minConditional Release - 1st offense SB 838: First Offense Conditional Release Pilot Program - Perry HB 745: First Offense Conditional Release Pilot Program - Garcia What...
Angie HatfieldFeb 14, 20231 minS776/H753/S1576 SentencingSB 776: Sentencing GENERAL BILL by Rouson HB 753: Sentencing for Trafficking Violations GENERAL BILL by Stark Sentencing; Providing for...
Angie HatfieldFeb 9, 20231 minH211/S440 PRRHB 211: Sentencing of Prison Releasee Reoffenders GENERAL BILL by Daniels SB 440: Sentencing of Prison Releasee Reoffenders GENERAL BILL...
Angie HatfieldFeb 9, 20231 minH171/S480 First-time Offender Plea DealHB 171: First-time Offender Plea Deal Pilot Program GENERAL BILL by Garcia SB 480: First-time Offender Plea Deal Pilot Program GENERAL...