SB 24: Victims of Reform School Abuse - Rouson
HB 21: Victims of Reform School Abuse - Salzman
SB 54: Expunction of Criminal History Records - Rodrigues
HB 97: Expunction of Criminal History Records - Killebrew
SB 100: Pregnant Women in Custody - Jones
HB 237: Pregnant Women in Custody - Hart
SB 232: Driving Under the Influence - Wright
HB 871: Driving Under the Influence - Tramont
SB 284: Compensation for Wrongfully Incarcerated Person - Bradley
HB 37: Compensation for Wrongfully Incarcerated Persons - Waldron
SB 296: Air-conditioning in Inmate Housing - Davis
HB 181: Air Conditioning in Inmate Housing - Nixon
SB 520: State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund - Bradley
HB 83: Trust Funds/Re-creation/State-Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund/DOC - Lopez
SB 576: Investigation of Complaints Against Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers - Ingoglia
SB 704: Limited Barbering - Perry
HB 785: Limited Barbering - Valdes
SB 824: Retail Theft - Ingoglia
HB 549: Retail Theft - Rommel
SB 940: Restorative Justice - Rodriguez
HB 881: Restorative Justice - Stark
SB 1012: Employment of Ex-offenders - Calatayud
HB 751: Disqualification from Licensing, Permitting, or Certification Based on Criminal Conviction - Hunchovsky
SB 1048: Independent Incentivized Prison Program - Burgess
SB 1154: Probation and Community Control Violations - Simon
SB 1216: Reentry Resource Centers - Powell
SB 1222: Theft - Trumbull
SB 1274: Juvenile Justice - Martin
HB 1181: Juvenile Justice - Jacques
SB 1278: Department of Corrections - Martin
SB 1284: Health Care for Inmates - Martin
HB 959: Health Care for Inmates - Bell